What does Gratitude have to do with anything??


I have been thinking alot of this since our Canadian Thanksgiving and how I can add and be more grateful in my life.  I understand that we can only feel one emotion at a time, so why not choose feelings like Gratitude.  It is such an awesome place to be.

When you are in a real state of gratitude your energy (vibrational resonance) is one of harmony and acceptance. You resonate at a much higher vibrational frequency which is exactly what attracts to you the events, conditions, and circumstances that you desire.

Everything is Energy, and if you think that is hippy dippy stuff……stop!! Science and Quatum Physics is proving that.  We are walking, talking, breathing magnets……..what are you attracting………Love, joy, anger, fear…….. Watch your words and watch what you are feeling or resonating?  Expressing Gratitude for anything  puts out a magnetic force that draws to you more of what you are expressing gratitude for.

If you need help in that area, EFT is an amazing tool for getting in more of a state of Gratitude.  So is the Gratitude Log, a place where you can go and connect with other people and share what you are grateful for, a good habit to get in too!!

Dr Emoto has been able to photograph water crystals while having certain energies around the water.  The link goes to the photograph of the Gratitude one and it is beautiful.  If you’re not familiar with his work, go to your local library, or You Tube to see some of the photographs, positive and negative, you may be surprised at how the water crystals can change, and guess what??  We are more than 80% water, so as Mike Dooley says with his notes from The Universe, ‘Thoughts become Things so choose the good ones!!!’

Leave a comment with what you are Grateful for.

I will start……I am grateful for all of you, thank you for allowing me in your life!!

Have an awesome day!!


One Response

  1. Jodi, I agree whole-heatedly! I’m grateful for so much and I prefer to spend my time thinking about what I’m grateful for day-t0-day. Feeling joy in the moment is the best place to be. It keeps those positive vibes building and spreading. Keep it going girl!

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