This is an interesting series of videos coming up by some well know health experts. I highly recommend checking them out!!
Did you ever see the film “Super Size Me?”
You know, the one where the guy from New York
(Morgan Spurlock) ate only McDonald’s for 30 Days.
Well I want to share with you an exclusive behind
the scenes interview with Morgan that will knock
your socks off but I’ll get to that in just a second…
I want to first explain why I’m sharing this. There’s a
common issue that I keep noticing with people who
are trying to create change or growth in their life.
And unfortunately I don’t think it’s talked about
enough by many people out there…
even though it’s the big elephant in the room.
Here’s what I keep noticing…
People keep talking about how they want to achieve
goals like making more money or improving their
relationships but they just don’t have the energy.
And they’re missing a really key component that
plays a huge role in their energy…
That’s why I want to share an amazing fr*ee video
with you that is an in depth and personal interview
with Morgan Spurlock, the director of the film “Super
Size Me”
In case you don’t remember, “Super Size Me” was the
blockbuster movie that exposed the major health risks
of eating a processed diet.
In fact right after the film was released McDonald’s got
rid of their whole “Super Size” concept.
It’s part of an amazing fr*ee video series that also
includes Dr. Joel Fuhrman, raw food expert David
Wolfe and Mike Adams that is being released for a
limited time only.
In case you didn’t figure it out yet, the thing that people
keep ignoring when it comes to their personal
success is… their health.
And here’s the thing… health tends to be the big
elephant in the room that people ignore in their
lives until it’s too late.
They tend to think… “it’s too difficult to be healthy and
I’m too busy to worry about it.”
But let me tell you that the information that Morgan
shares in this video and that is shared in this entire
fr*ee video series will make health about 20 times
easier for you.
The video series is being released by the makers
of the film “Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in
30 Days,” a film that was essentially the opposite
of Morgan’s film (eating good food for 30 days
instead of bad food), and is getting amazing reviews.

To your health,
Jodi Burke

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